Saturday, October 16, 2010


We went to The Big Red Barn in Santaquin Utah... I have never been there before and it is now going to be a fall tradition. We invited Mike, Penny, Izzy, Guillaume and Dana with us and had a great time. After they came over for some nice Beef Stew which hit the spot!

We started off with a hay ride that brought us to the pumpkin patch. We found the perfect spot and took pictures. Then they had a "corn maze" which was actually made out of wood boxes but still entertaining enough. It was fun to just hang out and visit with our friends and take pictures.

Dylan and Izzy on the big wagon of pumpkins

Dylan with his first pumpkin

Dylan and Daddy

Family Picture... too bad we couldn't get Dylan to look at the camera.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dylan Eating

6 months old...

I can't believe it has been 5 months since I posted!! Dylan just turned 6 months yesterday... here are some pictures of him. I can't believe how much he has changed already in the few short months he has been alive!!

His "WOW" face! He makes the cutest faces EVER

We went to California around Memorial Day. This was Dylans first road trip. Some of the fun things that we did was go to the Beach, visit friends, and go to the Zoo. He loved staying at Grandpa and Grandma's house!
Here he is a little over 2 months at the San Diego Zoo.

With the Chambers family... Ryan's Dad, Mom and Grandma

We also were able to make it back east. We stopped in Washington DC and visited family and friends. Dylan was able to see his future wife Abi! haha... I kid I kid... (not really)
We hung out in Washington, DC and Virginia with Jared, Stef, Julia and Elizabeth. We also saw my friends Emily and Ryan from high school.

Here he is sitting with Papa on his blessing day on July 4th 2010. He was so cute in his little white outfit and Ryan gave him such a great blessing! He is 3 months old in this picture.
A family picture at Sandy Point Beach in Portsmouth RI. He didn't NOT like the water... mostly indifferent. Hopefully when we go next time he will LOVE the water.

Dylan at 4 months old at Lake Powell.
We also got to go to Lake Powell... it was super fun and not too hot this year. He was SUCH a good baby... but if you know him he always is a good baby. I am a very lucky Mama.

Dylan around 4 1/2 months old. What a smiley happy boy!

5 months old... look how light his hair is now! All the dark hair is gone!!!

Daddy's boy... this is his clueless face. 5 1/2 months

The Chambers... Dylan is such a sweet boy and I love having him in our life. We left him for the first time this weekend and I missed him the whole time. Of course, he didn't even realize we were gone and had a blast with Auntie Angie and Uncle Matt.