For Halloween Dylan was a baseball player for our ward party and a lion for trick or treating. He finally got the hang of knocking on doors and gettign candy. He would get mad when I wouldn't let him eat the candy though. (He must take after his mom... hehe). We knocked on one doors house and I guess he was tired so he sat himself down on the doorstep and growled at the kids coming up the steps. We were all laughing. It was the perfect night for trick-or-treating... not to hot or cold. We were lucky cause the next day was raining/snowing and just plain yucky!
Dylan last year at Halloween... a little bit looser on him but just as cute!
Before Halloween Dylan had a bat of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease that kept him in confinement for a week. We were lucky that it fell during fall break so we didn't have to take as much time off of work. It is a nasty little virus that you can't really do anything about. When we took him to the Dr's the next week he had a double ear infection too! I just feel like the BEST mom ever for noticing it. (NOT) Oh well... he wasn't acting any more onery than he usually is.
Anyway... I am excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is always one of my favorite times of the year. (And we get breaks for school.. so that always helps!)