- He is such a good sleeper... pretty much through the night since 6 weeks old.
- He makes the funniest faces and LOVES to smile at everyone.
- He has this cute funny laugh- half grunt, half laugh
- He hates having his diaper changed... gets all squirmy and tries to get away.
- He loves milk... especially when it comes from a bottle.
- Hates his sippy cup. He thinks it is a toy rather than a method of drinking.
- It took him forever to figure out crawling... but as soon as he did figure it out he was moving a mile a minute.
- It only took him a day to figure out stairs.
- He loves pulling himself up to stand.
- He likes to play with his bat and ball... and is getting pretty good at throwing.
- He loves to play in the bath... especially when he got his toys. Now he has a basketball hoop and he likes to "slam dunk" it.
- He has been bright eyed and bushy tailed since day 1...
- He would stare and not blink for minutes at a time... he could beat anyone in a staring contest.
- He has many nicknames- Bugs, Dilly Bug, Dill Pickle, Bob (Dylan), Bugga, and Dyl.
- He hates grass...
- He loves being outside
- He has a fascination of doors... he will open and close them ALL day if he could.
- He likes pulling himself up to his toy box and taking the toys out.
- He will sit and "read" his books all by himself.
- His favorite foods change daily... but he loves avocado, chicken, pizza, spaghetti, applesauce, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, pears, and soup.
- He doesn't know the meaning of quiet... and proves it all the time in church.
- I am afraid that once he really starts walking it will turn into a run VERY quickly.
- He has lots of energy and is always on the move.
- He loves Puma and Fenway... I can tell Dylan and Fenway are going to be inseparable when we gets a little older.
- He has the cutest dimples on his upper cheek... they come out when he smiles and screams!
- He is little but makes up for his smallness in fiestiness.
It has been such a blessing to have this sweet little boy in our lives. I hear people say this all the time... but having a child changes everything (in a good way). It has brought Ryan and I closer and made me realize what true love is. I love my family and all the little quirks we have. It will be a interesting next few years as Ryan is now in the Bishopric. I am grateful to have a supportive, loving and great husband who is such a great example to me. Dylan is lucky to have such a great Dad!
Here are pictures throughout the year- He changes a TON... he looks like a completely different child! We love you Dylan and are so glad you decided to come into our family!
awww great post. I CANT BELIEVE HE IS 1!!! I love all the progression pics, and wish we could have been there for it all :( Good thing for skype and phones tho. LOVE the cake!! MISS AND LOVE YOU!!!!
I love his cute, little blond curls. What a sweetie! It's crazy to think he's already 1! hugs!
He is so cute! I love being around and watching him grow!! So glad we are close to each other. It will be fun to watch Dylan and Izzy play this summer!
What a cutie, can hardly wait until the next time we can see him in person.
oh those pics of him growing are so DARLING! He's handsome! loved this post - can't believe he's 1!?!?! thinking of you guys!!
Bethany, thanks for posting this! I loved your list and the progress photos. I just can't believe how much he's grown since I last saw him! I wish I could have come to his birthday party. I miss you tons! Maybe you should come to China for your next family vacation :)
Great pics of Dylan. What a Blessing! He sure seems like a handful for sure.
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